Lösungen: Plural Quiz

Lösungen: Plural Quiz

1. Our presentation was rather successful. The audience posed a lot of questions, gave highly uplifting feedbacks and comments.Falsch: „Feedback“ hat keinen Plural. 2.  I was hungry like a wolf this morning. I had four breads for...
Answers: Translations

Answers: Translations

Wie lautet die korrekte Übersetzung…: 1.) …von: „früher“  i.S. von vorherig (z.B.: „Sie lächelt häufiger als früher.“)?“She smiles more often than in the past.“ ist hier korrekt, auch mit...
Answers: Food Idioms

Answers: Food Idioms

1. „To know your onions“ stands for:Answer B (being knowledgable about a subject) is correct. Example: „Our accountant is a true expert. When she was talking to the tax authorities she certainly showed she knew her onions.“ 2. To be „as cool as a...