Going International: Uniting the Best of all Worlds
Keynote | HR Leaders Conference, Bratislava
Going International: Uniting the Best of all Worlds
No more „lost in translation“ – avoiding misunderstandings right from the start
Even though we share English as our common business language, we keep on thinking and talking in the familiar pattern of our own native languages.
One and the same word or sentence can be understood differently in the various countries we work with. This quickly leads to costly and time consuming misunderstandings.
How can we save time and money by developing a better feel for the individual understanding of language right from the start? In this workshop we will find answers on:
- How to overcome a different understanding of time, priority and project/quality management
- How to better handle bureaucracies, hierarchies and codes of honor in the various countries we work in and with
- How to establish a common ground and relationships – the crucial keys for successful team work
Going International: Uniting the Best of all Worlds
ZEIT: 14. Juni 2018
ORT: Technology Centre of FIIT STU in Bratislava
ANMELDUNG: More information on tickets and registration can be found here
Über Susanne
Der UN-Dolmetscherin für Staatspräsident_innen, UN-Vertreter_innen oder Entscheidungsträger_innen wie EZB-Präsidentin Christine Lagarde gehört die Macht der Worte und Sie weiss, wie wir diese gekonnt im Berufsalltag einsetzen können.
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