Don’t let me be misunderstood: Making dialogue between cultures work
Vortrag |DOC Research Institute
Don’t let me be misunderstood: Making dialogue between cultures work
Join DOC Research Institute Berlin to discover the easy tools of a better understanding and effective international communication from expert UN interpreter Susanne Kilian, who has worked for US presidents, Head of IWF
Christine Lagarde and leading German politicians.
We at DOC believe that open and mutually respectful dialogue between civilisations is the fundamental prerequisite for effective cooperation and partnership between civilisations. However, effective communication across cultures and languages can sometimes be a tricky goal to achieve.
Even if we share a common working language (very often English), we think and speak in the familiar patterns of our own native language. Therefore, the same word or sentence can be understood differently across the various cultures and countries that we work. This can lead to unfortunate misunderstandings that cost time and money. How can we learn to avoid this?
In this entertaining lecture, part of our ‘Meet in Mitte’ series, Susanne will reveal her insights into the magic and power of well-chosen words. Through years of global UN interpreting experience, she has developed effective communication strategies that find common ground between cultures and help facilitate effective international deals, negotiations and win-win situations.
Join us to hear her learnings on language and communication and discover the art of being understood.

Don't let me be misunderstood: Making dialogue between cultures work
ZEIT: 05. Dezember 2018, 18-20 Uhr
ORT: DOC Research Institute, Französische Strasse 23, 10117 Berlin
ANMELDUNG: Refreshments will be provided. Prior registration is necessary to secure your place: DOC Research Institute
Über Susanne
Der UN-Dolmetscherin für Staatspräsident_innen, UN-Vertreter_innen oder Entscheidungsträger_innen wie EZB-Präsidentin Christine Lagarde gehört die Macht der Worte und Sie weiss, wie wir diese gekonnt im Berufsalltag einsetzen können.
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