Change your wor(l)d!

Vortrag | TEDx Uni Mannheim

Change your wor(l)d!

In these times of division and crisis, how can we make global communication more fun, more inclusive and more successful? 

This lecture offers some highly entertaining insights and strategies on how to:

  • discover the magic of words that open hearts and doors all over the world,
  • create win-win situations,
  • make a difference by finding a common ground and establishing relationships.

No more „lost in translation“:

Even though we share English as our common world-wide language, we tend to keep on thinking and talking in the familiar patterns of our own native language. One and the same word or sentence can be understood differently in the various countries we work with. This quickly leads to costly and time-consuming misunderstandings.

Global projects/teams that master avoiding discord unite the best of all worlds and gain new resources for common goals and success. 

Change your wor(l)d!

ZEIT: 22. September 2018
ORT: Schloss Uni Mannheim
ANMELDUNG: Informationen zur Anmeldung und Programm finden Sie hier.


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Über Susanne

Der UN-Dolmetscherin für Staatspräsident_innen, UN-Vertreter_innen oder Entscheidungsträger_innen wie EZB-Präsidentin Christine Lagarde gehört die Macht der Worte und Sie weiss, wie wir diese gekonnt im Berufsalltag einsetzen können.