Change your words and be the change you want to see in this world!
Vortrag | Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Rhein-Main e.V.
“Choose your words wisely as they will become your reality” advises a Chinese proverb. From „fake news“ to „flood of refugees“- by using these words we only manifest division, populism and negativity. A deliberate choice of words has become more crucial than ever.
What world do we want to live in? And what words will help us to establish an environment of unity, respect and appreciation?
Join us on a discovery of brain-friendly communication. Susanne offers highly entertaining insights and strategies on the magic of words that opens hearts and doors all over the world.
Let’s create win-win situations, stablish common grounds and relationships. Let’s unite and gain new resources for mutual goals and success – in both our society and in the corporate world.

Change your words and be the change you want to see in this world!
ZEIT: 29. September 2018, 19 Uhr
ORT: Presseclub Frankfurt, Ulmenstr. 20, 60325 Frankfurt am Main
ANMELDUNG: Deutsch-Britische Gesellschaft Rhein-Main e.V.:
Über Susanne
Der UN-Dolmetscherin für Staatspräsident_innen, UN-Vertreter_innen oder Entscheidungsträger_innen wie EZB-Präsidentin Christine Lagarde gehört die Macht der Worte und Sie weiss, wie wir diese gekonnt im Berufsalltag einsetzen können.
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